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     As I was younger, every night my parents would read my sister and I a book before bed. Most of the time we would demand the Doctor Seuss series, and with every book it was like a new family adventure. They always encouraged us to read about 30 minutes a day to help enhance our reading capabilities

When reading, I find myself looking over of all the questions first, then onto skimming the text looking for key words for my responses. It helps me better understand what I need to look for when reading through the text. As the text gets more difficult to read or I'm searching for an answer, i tend to skim the text.

In years to come, I plan to read to my children often to teach them to excel at literature at an early age. I will encourage them to read frequently with and without me. This will teach them the discipline and the joy of getting lost in a good book.

    My experience as a reader has been rough. I have a history of struggling to finish a book; Usually all my interest has been distracted into something more engaging. Novels dealing with drama and action interest me the most. I enjoy reading magazine articles about a assortment of things such as the newest fashion, current events, and sports. I love learning something new and interesting which can be done by reading books, maginzeens, etc.

    Due to my poor judgment as a highschooler I did not take the opportunity of being placed in AP courses while attending Kecoughtan. However, a few skills that I have learned is solving problems by annotating and using context clues to figure out what words mean to infer what will happen in the story. 

All About Me
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