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                                                   “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion”


            Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on August 24,1947.  He is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist.  Paulo had a rebellious childhood, which led to him being periodically checked into an asylum by his parents, upon repeating his behaviors.  His first book, Hell Archives, published in 1982, did not make a mark on the world. Towards his forties, he had a spiritual awakening in Spain.  He composed The Pilgrimage – about his journey to Santiago de Compostela in 1998 – and the Alchemist as a result of this.  Every two years he writes a new novel, illustrating his belief in being the example. He is  still alive today and uses the world of technology to connect to his fans.

            The saying “Actions speak louder than words,” fits perfectly with the quote “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.” When something needs to be done, or changed, we shouldn't sit around and talk about it.  Rather, we need to take action, go out of the way to address the problem, and lead by example and make the change happen. 

            Some people need more help than others, or your community needs to be kept up. You hear people talk about that they need to do something about it, but rarely is anything done.  Instead of continuing to listen to what needed to happen, my high school gathered a group of girls together – part of the Keyette club, to be the example, the change.  We volunteered around the community, fund raised for different organizations, helped those in need and made a positive difference in the lives we crossed. 



                                                                                        Work Cited

             The "Paulo Coelho Biography." A&E Networks Television. Web. 19 Oct. 2015. <>

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