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"Justice is the insurance which we have on our lives and property. Obedience is the premium which we pay for it."

    William Penn, born October 14, 1644, was an English entrepreneur in real estate. With land given to Penn, by King Charles II, for debt, the crown, owed to his father, he traveled to America in 1682 and founded the province of Pennsylvania.  He lived in a "society of men" meaning, there was no justice system, because the powerfull were "above the law". If a law was broken, or if something didn’t go the Kings way, the king handed out the punishment, the King laid out the laws. Penn was an early Quaker, and was imprisoned in the Tower of London due to his religious beliefs. While in prison, he wrote No Cross, No Crown in 1699.

    When we follow the law, we obey. When something goes wrong we turn to the justice system to seek righteousness. We all are born with justice and we try to hang on to it through our life.  Think of a thief: he’s on good terms until he steals, then larger actions are taken that can also come with a cost.

    A family friend of mine was taken advantage of while out of town. She was robbed and lied to by a trusted friend of hers. She didn’t say anything when she found out the friends boyfriend drove her car and ate all of her food, but weeks later she realized he drank all of her aged alcohol. She has not taken legal action but knows that would be the correct step to take for him to receive proper punishment. She was on good terms with both the friend and the friend’s boyfriend until she arrived home from Texas. Seeing the dark side of this man, she now does not let him in around her house. His consequence, he has to resupply her Costa Rica bottles which will cost him a couple weeks pay check; then maybe he can work on gaining her approval back. Goes to show if you let someone negative in your life, you may loose valuable pieces to your life.



                                                                                     Worked Cited


                America's Library "William Penn Was Born.". Web. 17 Oct. 2015. <>.






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